This has been a trying week for the humane society, filled
with dark clouds. There seems to be no
end to the homeless and unwanted four-legged members of our community.

As we talked about last week, spay and neuter, will lessen
the number of unwanted animals. And yes, we have a spay-neuter ordinance, but
the humane society does not have the authority to enforce it. So the next time you see animal control ask
them about the spay-neuter ordinance. If
you know of someone who has a dog that has liter after liter of puppies, call
animal control, ask animal control to enforce the spay- neuter ordinance.
As for the dogs on the chain, as long as the dog has food,
water, and shelter there is nothing we can do.
Don’t ask us how much water or how much food, or what constitutes
shelter. Arkansas’s law is vague. And yes, animal welfare groups have tried and
tried to improve the law. But each time,
we are fought at the legislative level by Arkansas Farm Bureau. See, Arkansas Farm Bureau thinks if you give
a domestic animal a decent place to live and define adequate food and water,
you are opening the door to crazy animal people wanting farm animals to have
humane treatment.
Over the next month you may be approached by a politician
out asking for your vote. When you do ask the politician if they will stand
strong and support the rights of domestic animals.

~ ConnieKayA~
Doggie Mom
Doggie Mom
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